It is seen plentiful in the woodland areas especially and sometimes intermingled with Sweet Woodruff and Bluebells. Occasionally you may even be lucky enough to spot it on the open pavements were it has established itself in shallow grykes. And what a spectacular sight it can be just like the photos I have taken below.
Anemone nemorosa (Wood Anemone)
Photo: 7th April 2019 Slape Lane, Burton In Kendal
Anemone nemorosa (Wood Anemone)
Photo: 7th April 2019 Slape Lane, Burton In Kendal
Anemone nemorosa (Wood Anemone)
Photo: 5th May 2018 - Lancelot Clark Storth (CWT)
Anemone nemorosa (Wood Anemone)
Photo: 5th May 2018 - Lancelot Clark Storth (CWT)
"It has the look of a flowered guitar" - obviously A nem -(ber) One
Anemone nemorosa (Wood Anemone)
Photo: 5th May 2018 - Lancelot Clark Storth (CWT)
Below are some early May 2021 showing variant colourings