Friday, June 25, 2021

Lathyrus linifolius - Bitter Vetch


This is a beautiful little flower and found on the Common on the heathlands, within about 100 yards of the Holly Fern is one area I have found it.  Also I have found it quite close within say 20 yards of when you park up near the top of the Clawthorpe Road at the point were there is  a style at one side (were they sell eggs) and a gate on the side were the Bitter Vetch is. It is at the base of the bracken. 

All three photos above found on Hutton Roof (Clawthorpe) side on 24th June 2021.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Linum catharticum - Fairy Flax


Found throughout Hutton Roof, is a very small plant regularly overlooked. Its beauty within the flower  is not really appreciated until you see it by enlargement. 

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Tamus communis - Black Bryony (from mid June)


I guess the first time seeing it I thought of "some kind of bindweed", purely by the nature of how it "attached" to elevate itself.  You can see this from the photos below. But I soon thought this is something more special with such a dynamic shape to the leaves, and the almost translucency of the flower, and the gentle sweep back of the petal. I guess the heart shape leaves denotes "Love" and the little streams of flowers are like rows of "charms" on nature's bracelet.

I found some on the verges of the Clawthorpe Road just below Rowley Copse, there are a couple of fine examples (13th June 2021). I have also seen this near to Warton Crag (little car park just after turning up by side of famous named pub (George Washington).

Black Bryony on Slape Lane 22nd June 2021

Black Bryony on Slape Lane 22nd June 2021

Black Bryony on Slape Lane 22nd June 2021

Black Bryony on Slape Lane 22nd June 2021

Black Bryony on Slape Lane 22nd June 2021

Black Bryony on Slape Lane 22nd June 2021

Black Bryony on Slape Lane 22nd June 2021

Black Bryony on Slape Lane 22nd June 2021

Black Bryony on Slape Lane 22nd June 2021

 (below) are the photos I took today 13th June 2021

Note Green train of leaves off to the left and the Purple or Dark train of leaves off to the right

(Below)  from today, some of the berry photos

Wednesday, June 2, 2021