Sunday, July 26, 2020

Inula conyzae - Ploughman's Spikenard

This is a lovely plant which I find on most of the Hutton Roof pavements.  I normally see it from around July onwards

Inula conyzae (Ploughman's spikenard)
Photo: 28th July 2010

Inula conyzae (Ploughman's spikenard)
Photo: 28th July 2010

Inula conyzae (Ploughman's spikenard)
Photo: 28th July 2010

Inula conyzae (Ploughman's spikenard)
Photo: 28th July 2010

Inula conyzae (Ploughman's spikenard)
Photo: 28th July 2010

Inula conyzae (Ploughman's spikenard)
Photo: 28th July 2010